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# Thumbnail Model Name Release Series Screen Players Batteries
1 Nintendo: Fire - Au Feu! , FR-27 FR-27 1981 Nintendo - wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
2 Nintendo: Ball - Toss-Up , AC-01 AC-01 1980 Nintendo - silver LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
3 Nintendo: Ball (30th Anniversary Edition) , RGW-001 RGW-001 2010 None LCD 1 player 1 * CR2032
4 Nintendo: Balloon Fight , BF-107 BF-107 1988 Nintendo - new wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
5 Nintendo: Balloon Fight , BF-803 BF-803 1986 Nintendo - crystal screen LCD 1 player 1 * CR2025
6 Nintendo: Black Jack , BJ-60 BJ-60 1985 Nintendo - multi screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
7 Nintendo: Fire Attack - Blockhaus in Flammen - Fort Apache , ID-29 ID-29 1982 Nintendo - wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
8 Nintendo: Bomb Sweeper , BD-62 BD-62 1987 Nintendo - multi screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
9 Nintendo: Boxing - Puch-Out!! , BX-301 BX-301 1984 Nintendo - micro vs. LCD 1 or 2 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
10 Nintendo: Chef - Die Verrückte Küche , FP-24 FP-24 1981 Nintendo - wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
11 Nintendo: Climber , DR-106 DR-106 1988 Nintendo - new wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
12 Nintendo: Climber , DR-802 DR-802 1986 Nintendo - crystal screen LCD 1 player 1 * CR2025
13 Nintendo: Computer Mah-jong Yakuman - コンピュータ マージャン 役満 , MJ 8000 MJ 8000 1983 None LCD multiplayer 4 * AA
14 Nintendo: Crab Grab , UD-202 UD-202 1984 Nintendo - super color LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
15 Nintendo: Chef - Die Verrückte Küche , FP-24 FP-24 1981 Nintendo - wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
16 Nintendo: Donkey Kong , DK-52 DK-52 1982 Nintendo - multi screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
17 Nintendo: Donkey Kong 3 , AK-302 AK-302 1984 Nintendo - micro vs. LCD 1 or 2 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
18 Nintendo: Donkey Kong Circus , MK-96 MK-96 1984 Nintendo - panorama LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
19 Nintendo: Donkey Kong Hockey , HK-303 HK-303 1984 Nintendo - micro vs. LCD 1 or 2 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
20 Nintendo: Donkey Kong II , JR-55 JR-55 1983 Nintendo - multi screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
21 Nintendo: Donkey Kong Jr. , CJ-71 CJ-71 1983 Nintendo - tabletop LCD 1 player 2 * C
22 Nintendo: Donkey Kong Jr. , CJ-93 CJ-93 1983 Nintendo - panorama LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
23 Nintendo: Donkey Kong Jr. , DJ-101 DJ-101 1982 Nintendo - new wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
24 Nintendo: Egg , EG-26 EG-26 1981 Nintendo - wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
25 Nintendo: Vermin - Exterminator , MT-03 MT-03 1980 Nintendo - silver LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
26 Nintendo: Fire , RC-04 RC-04 1980 Nintendo - silver LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
27 Nintendo: Fire - Au Feu! , FR-27 FR-27 1981 Nintendo - wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
28 Nintendo: Fire Attack - Blockhaus in Flammen - Fort Apache , ID-29 ID-29 1982 Nintendo - wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
29 Nintendo: Flagman , FL-02 FL-02 1980 Nintendo - silver LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
30 Nintendo: Fire Attack - Blockhaus in Flammen - Fort Apache , ID-29 ID-29 1982 Nintendo - wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
31 Nintendo: Manhole - Gare au Fosse! , MH-06 MH-06 1981 Nintendo - gold LCD 1 player 2 * LR43 or SR43
32 Nintendo: Gold Cliff , MV-64 MV-64 1988 Nintendo - multi screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
33 Nintendo: Green House , GR-54 GR-54 1982 Nintendo - multi screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
34 Nintendo: Helmet - Headache , CN-07 CN-07 1981 Nintendo - gold LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
35 Nintendo: Helmet - Headache , CN-07 CN-07 1981 Nintendo - gold LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
36 Nintendo: Judge , IP-05 IP-05 1980 Nintendo - silver LCD 1 or 2 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
37 Nintendo: Turtle Bridge - Le Pont des Tortues , TL-28 TL-28 1982 Nintendo - wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
38 Nintendo: Lifeboat , TC-58 TC-58 1983 Nintendo - multi screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
39 Nintendo: Lion , LN-08 LN-08 1981 Nintendo - gold LCD 1 player 2 * LR43 or SR43
40 Nintendo: Manhole - Gare au Fosse! , MH-06 MH-06 1981 Nintendo - gold LCD 1 player 2 * LR43 or SR43
41 Nintendo: Manhole , NH-103 NH-103 1983 Nintendo - new wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
42 Nintendo: Mario Bros. , MW-56 MW-56 1983 Nintendo - multi screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
43 Nintendo: Mario the Juggler , MB-108 MB-108 1991 Nintendo - new wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
44 Nintendo: Mario's Bombs Away , TB-94 TB-94 1983 Nintendo - panorama LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
45 Nintendo: Mario's Cement Factory , CM-72 CM-72 1983 Nintendo - tabletop LCD 1 player 2 * C
46 Nintendo: Mario's Cement Factory , ML-102 ML-102 1983 Nintendo - new wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
47 Nintendo: Mickey & Donald , DM-53 DM-53 1982 Nintendo - multi screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
48 Nintendo: Mickey Mouse , MC-25 MC-25 1981 Nintendo - wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR43 or SR43
49 Nintendo: Mickey Mouse , DC-95 DC-95 1984 Nintendo - panorama LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
50 Nintendo: Octopus - Pieuvre - Schnapp den Schatz , OC-22 OC-22 1981 Nintendo - wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR43 or SR43
51 Nintendo: Oil Panic , OP-51 OP-51 1982 Nintendo - multi screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
52 Nintendo: Parachute - Sprung in die Hölle , PR-21 PR-21 1981 Nintendo - wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
53 Nintendo: Octopus - Pieuvre - Schnapp den Schatz , OC-22 OC-22 1981 Nintendo - wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR43 or SR43
54 Nintendo: Pinball , PB-59 PB-59 1983 Nintendo - multi screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
55 Nintendo: Popeye - Popeyes Bootsausflug , PP-23 PP-23 1981 Nintendo - wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
56 Nintendo: Popeye , PG-74 PG-74 1983 Nintendo - tabletop LCD 1 player 2 * C
57 Nintendo: Popeye , PG-92 PG-92 1983 Nintendo - panorama LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
58   PP-23 1981 Nintendo - wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
59 Nintendo: Popeye - Popeyes Bootsausflug , PP-23 PP-23 1981 Nintendo - wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
60 Nintendo: Boxing - Puch-Out!! , BX-301 BX-301 1984 Nintendo - micro vs. LCD 1 or 2 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
61 Nintendo: Rain Shower , LP-57 LP-57 1983 Nintendo - multi screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
62 Nintendo: Safebuster , JB-63 JB-63 1988 Nintendo - multi screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
63 Nintendo: Octopus - Pieuvre - Schnapp den Schatz , OC-22 OC-22 1981 Nintendo - wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR43 or SR43
64 Nintendo: Snoopy , SM-73 SM-73 1983 Nintendo - tabletop LCD 1 player 2 * C
65 Nintendo: Snoopy , SM-91 SM-91 1983 Nintendo - panorama LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
66 Nintendo: Snoopy Tennis , SP-30 SP-30 1982 Nintendo - wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
67 Nintendo: Spitball Sparky , BU-201 BU-201 1984 Nintendo - super color LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
68 Nintendo: Parachute - Sprung in die Hölle , PR-21 PR-21 1981 Nintendo - wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
69 Nintendo: Squish , MG-61 MG-61 1986 Nintendo - multi screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
70 Nintendo: Super Mario Bros (35th anniversary edition) , SM-35 SM-35 2020 None LCD 1 player 1 * other
71 Nintendo: Super Mario Bros. , YM-105 YM-105 1988 Nintendo - new wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
72 Nintendo: Super Mario Bros. , YM-801 YM-801 1986 Nintendo - crystal screen LCD 1 player 1 * CR2025
73 Nintendo: Super Mario Bros. , YM-901-S YM-901-S 1989 None LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
74   TR-66 unknown Nintendo - multi screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
75 Nintendo: The Legend of Zelda (35th anniversary edition) , HXB-001 HXB-001 2021 None LCD 1 player 1 * other
76 Nintendo: Ball - Toss-Up , AC-01 AC-01 1980 Nintendo - silver LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
77 Nintendo: Tropical Fish , TF-104 TF-104 1985 Nintendo - new wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
78 Nintendo: Turtle Bridge - Le Pont des Tortues , TL-28 TL-28 1982 Nintendo - wide screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
79 Nintendo: Vermin - Exterminator , MT-03 MT-03 1980 Nintendo - silver LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
80   VUE-S-RA 1995 None LCD 1 or 2 player 6 * AA
81 Nintendo: Zelda , ZL-65 ZL-65 1989 Nintendo - multi screen LCD 1 player 2 * LR44 or SR44
82 Nintendo: Computer Mah-jong Yakuman - コンピュータ マージャン 役満 , MJ 8000 MJ 8000 1983 None LCD multiplayer 4 * AA
83   VUE-S-RA 1995 None LCD 1 or 2 player 6 * AA
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